PRP Injections in the Penis and Vagina: P Shot & O Shot

Plasma  Injections In Penis And Vagina: P-Shot & O-Shot

You might have heard of regenerative and restorative properties of Platelet Plasma (Plasma ) injections in treating wrinkles, fine lines, joint and muscle injuries, and hair loss. But now, Plasma  has found its applications in sexual rejuvenation too!

In this article, we’ll talk about the P-shot and the O-shot, their procedures, and results.

Plasma  For Sexual Rejuvenation:

Plasma  is now extensively used by both men and women to heighten sexual satisfaction, improve female orgasm, reduce painful sex, treat erectile dysfunction, and reduce vaginal dryness.

Plasma  is derived from your own blood by centrifuging the blood sample. The plasma containing a high density of platelets is then separated from the blood after spinning.

Today, the treatment of Plasma  in the penis and vagina is marketed as the P-shot and the O-shot. Plasma  injections are also used to treat conditions related to the weak pelvic floor, such as urinary incontinence, vaginal atrophy, and reduced libido [1].

The P-Shot Procedure:

The Priapus shot, aka P-shot, was first used by Dr. Charles Runels to enlarge and rejuvenate the penis. The P-shot procedure is initiated by drawing the blood from your arm and centrifuging it to derive the Platelet plasma (Plasma ). The penis is then sterilized and numbed with a topic anesthetic. The P-shot then injects Plasma  into different areas of the penis, including the head and specific parts of the penile shaft, for stimulating tissue growth, blood flow and harder erections [2].

The P-shot procedure is pain-free and without any side effects. The P-shot has been extensively used to treat:

  • Penis enhancement
  • Improved sex drive
  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Erectile dysfunction


The results and benefits of the P-shot include:

  • Increased length and girth of the penis
  • Increased sexual stamina
  • Improved blood flow and circulation in the penile area
  • Better and harder erection
  • Improved pleasure and sensation [3]

After Care:

The P-shot procedure has zero discomfort and no downtime.  Patients undergoing the P-shot can even have sexual intercourse the same day. Mild swelling and bruising are common at the site of injection, which is solved by anti-inflammatory medication.

Side Effects:

You may experience only minor side effects that disappear in four to six days. They include:

  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Swelling

Sometimes, the P-shot goes wrong and leads to complications like:

  • Outbreaks of cold sores (only if you have had herpes simplex virus)
  • Scarring
  • Infections

How Much Does It Cost?

As health insurance plans do not cover the P-shot procedure, you have to pay it from your pocket. A single Plasma  procedure at Dr Refresh Med Spa costs $899 exclusive of prep, instruments, and care [4].

The O-Shot Procedure:

The Orgasm Shot, also called O-shot, is used for vaginal rejuvenation by injecting Plasma  into the vagina. The O-shot procedure starts by drawing blood from your arm and centrifuging it to isolate the Platelet plasma (Plasma ).  A doctor or nurse numbs the upper vagina and clitoris after retraction of the clitoral hood. The O-shot then injects the Plasma  into specific areas of the vagina, such as the clitoris.

The Plasma  stimulates the growth of younger tissues and activates impotent stem cells, resulting in enhanced sexual response. The O-shot also increases orgasm achievement both by vaginal and clitoral stimulation [5].

The O-shot is used to treat:

  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Chronic pain from childbirth
  • Lichen planus


Patients who have undergone the O-shot procedure report the following benefits and results:

  • Decreased urinary incontinence
  • Increased arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Stronger orgasms
  • Enhanced pleasure and sensation
  • A tighter vaginal opening
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Smoother skin around vagina [6]

After Care:

The O-shot procedure has no side effects and is usually painless. The procedure at Dr Refresh Med Spa only takes 15-30 minutes to complete. Experiencing mild discomfort, swelling, and redness is completely normal.

Side Effects:

The side effects of the O-shot procedure have not been studied yet. However, the reported side effects include:

  • Spontaneous orgasm
  • Ejaculatory orgasm
  • Sexual arousal with urination
  • Continuous sexual arousal

Long-term complications caused by the O-shot procedure have also not been observed.

How Much Does It Cost?

If you’re willing to undergo the O-shot procedure, you have to pay for it out of pocket since the FDA has not approved the coverage of the O-shot procedure by health insurance. Some popular aesthetic industries and clinics like Dr Refresh Med Spa charge $1200-$3800 for the O-shot procedure [7].

Dr Refresh Med Spa is one of the few med spas in West Hollywood to offer this procedure. Call now to book your appointment 


[1] Genital Plasma  | Surecell n.d.  (accessed September 28, 2021).

[2] Plasma  O SHOT AND P SHOT | Plasma | Find BEST Platelet Rich Plasma Providers n.d. https://Plasma -o-shot-and-p-shot.html (accessed September 28, 2021).

[3] P-Shot: What Is It, How It Works, Benefits, Cost n.d. (accessed September 28, 2021).

[4] Statistics P. Plastic Surgery Statistics Report. Am Soc Plast Surg 2017:25.

[5] The O-Shot and Plasma  n.d. (accessed September 28, 2021).

[6] What Is the O-Shot & What Can I Expect? n.d. (accessed September 28, 2021).

[7] How Much Does the O-Shot® Cost? | Camarillo O-Shot® | Best Self Medical Arts n.d. (accessed September 28, 2021).

Tags: o shot, P shot, penis Plasma , PRP, vagina Plasma 

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