Laser Treatments for Skin Resurfacing, Scar Revision and Stretch Marks in West Hollywood

Understanding the right laser treatment you need for scar revision or stretch marks in West Hollywood.

Scar revisions

Scars are polymorphous and require a multidimensional approach to successful treatment. Scars are the result of a chaotic wound healing response leaving behind fibrotic tissue due to irregular formation of collagen. There are different types of scars, including atrophic, hypertrophic, contracture, and keloid scars. Available scar revision therapies depend on the type of scar and range from topical creams for mild scarring to grafts for large, traumatic scars.

Laser treatment for scar revisions

Laser scar revision is an effective method for treating a wide range of scars that improves the texture and pigment of the skin. Various fractional ablative and non-ablative laser resurfacing has been proven to treat scars. Dr Refresh provides the services of Lumines stellar M22 laser (for fractional Non-ablative skin resurfacing). The non-ablative fractional laser and are considered the gold standard for acne scarring, treating the widest variety of polymorphous acne scars and diminishing the need for punch excisions.

How does it work?

The most significant advance in the treatment of acne scarring is the development of non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing in the mid-infrared region. These lasers were originally developed for photodamage skin resurfacing because ablative laser resurfacing had significant risks, while non-ablative laser resurfacing had minimal results. While these lasers offer an excellent result in the resurfacing of mild to moderate photodamage, the most impressive results can be seen with post-acne scarring. The chromophore is water and the depth of penetration in the dermis is up to 1 mm. The laser energy is delivered in a fractional array of microbeams, either by stamping (1,540 nm laser) or by random pattern (1,550 nm). The fractional model of delivery creates microscopic injury areas. Treatment densities and fluencies can be adjusted based on the extent of acne scarring, anatomical location, and skin tone. All skin colors can be safely treated. The fractional mode of energy delivery reduces bulk heating, which has been a major source of complications for both ablative and non-ablative lasers.


All types of acne scars ice pick, roll, boxcars, distensible, non-distensible, and erythematous can be successfully treated. Hypopigmented scars can also be successfully treated with non-ablative fractional laser resurfacing. The need for adjuvant treatment of ice-pick and bound-down scars (e.g. subsection) has been significantly reduced since the advent of fractional laser resurfacing. Three to seven sessions, 4 to 6 weeks apart, are indicated.


Things to know before getting laser treatment for your scars.

Your results depend to a large extent on the skills of the person performing laser therapy.

Before any laser treatment, a medical consultation is crucial.

Sun protection is crucial both before and after laser treatment.

You might need more than one laser treatment.

After laser treatment, you will need to take care of the treated area at home.

Results take time to appears.

Stretch marks

Striae distensae or stretch marks are a common skin abnormality affecting both sexes and all races. Stretch marks are marks or lines that may appear on the skin as a result of the growth of the skin. It appears in both men and women. Stretch marks occur in the middle layer of the skin (dermis) that helps to maintain the shape of the skin. The normal production of collagen is disrupted when the skin is overstretched, resulting in the formation of stretch marks. They often appear in pregnancy, bodybuilding activity, and puberty. They are usually found in the stomach, thighs, upper arms, buttocks. It appears as reddish to purplish lines and gradually fades to a paler color.

Laser treatment for stretch marks

Laser treatment of stretch marks has gained considerable popularity in recent years. Dr. Refresh performs treatment through Lumines stellar M22 laser ( for fractional Non-ablative skin resurfacing). Non-ablative lasers don’t destroy the upper layer of the skin. Instead, they target the underlying areas of the skin surface to promote the growth of collagen from the inside out. The fractional devices have gained popularity in the treatment of striae alba and striae Rubra. In particular, the 1,550-nm, erbium-doped fiber laser has been shown to improve texture and dyschromia in both striae alba and striae rubra in patients with skin types I–IV. Fractional photo thermolysis creates multiple noncontiguous zones of thermal damage in the epidermis and dermis, sparing the tissue surrounding the wound. This in turn stimulates epidermal turnover and dermal collagen remodeling, which results in the improvement of a variety of scar types. Although the results observed in these studies were moderate, the 1,550-nm wavelength targets water as a chromophore and is thus a safe alternative for patients with various skin types. No. of treatment needed for non-ablative laser scheduled up to six times at 3 to 4 weeks apart and noticeable changes after several weeks, as new skin regenerates. Some temporary side effects are scarring, blistering, or bruising. Skin color also may change in certain individuals. Redness and swelling may also appear. After treatment uses the creams prescribed by your dermatologist and avoid exposure to the sun.


How long does it last?

Generally, skin resurfacing treatments may “last years.” However, the catch is that this may depend on how well you take care of your skin. Non-ablative treatments are not as aggressive, though. Estimates that you will need between one and six non-ablative laser treatments on average. Each treatment usually costs the same as the initial session. The exception maybe if your particular provider offers discounts for multiple sessions. You’re going to have to wait three or four weeks between sessions. Once your skin is completely healed and you’re done with all your sessions, the results may last for years, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.


Almost painless and non-invasive


Cost-effective compared to other medical alternatives

Dr Refresh Med Spa in West Hollywood, Los Angeles offers many skin resurfacing procedures for you. Book yours now


American Academy of Dermatology, news releases: “Scar treatments can improve patients’ quality of life.” News release issued Jul 28, 2016. Last accessed Nov 22, 2017.

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