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Cancellation Policy/no-show policy

24 hour notice (48 hour during holiday weekends) of cancellation or reschedule allows us to effectively allocate resources to best service our clients. A credit card is required to book appointments. We will not charge your credit card, however if you miss your scheduled appointment without a 24hr cancellation notice, you will be charged accordingly. No-Shows will result in your credit card being charged as well. We will send messages/appointment reminders that need to be confirmed and replied to. If we don’t receive a reply, the system will mark it as “cancelled” and therefore charge you a cancellation fee.

Please be advised that no-shows or notifications given less than 24 hour prior to appointment time will result in a $100 cancellation fee.

Refund Policy

We have a no refund policy on services rendered / completed at our offices. Product exchanges are accepted a case by case basis.

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your service, we ask that you let us know within 7 days following your appointment. Management will then determine the next form of action in meeting your needs.
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